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Dear Bookham Bees


I emailed all members on Sunday, 15th March advising them that as we are in unchartered territory over Coronavirus (Covid-19) your Committee has decided to cancel the Bees’ meeting on Wednesday, 1st April. None of us know how long this pandemic is going to last and I will keep in touch with you regarding future meetings.


Within the email I mentioned about Community Coronavirus Care as well as Bookham Bees’ Helpline. Please do get in touch with me if you need help of any kind or just want a chat to cheer yourself (and me) up. If we are in for the long hall we are going to need to keep our chins up and help each other as much as we can.



The most important thing is that you keep well.



With warmest wishes to you all,



Diana Greenman

Bookham Bees WI President

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